Are Motiva Implants the Right Implant Option for You?

Are Motiva Implants the Right Implant Option for You?

About Breast Implant Surgery

The Breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure has been one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for years due to reliability and results of the procedure. Since breast implants were first performed, there have been significant advances made in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery. Although there are considerations about risks before any surgery, breast implant technology also has come a long way. Motiva Implants are designed to imitate the feel of natural breasts while being more rupture resistant and durable over time.

Motiva breast implants are the latest example of the advances made in the field of breast implants as they are one of the leading suppliers of breast implants.

Dr Jeremy Hunt is Specialist Plastic Surgeons and uses both brands of implants in Australia – Mentor and Motiva implants – for his patients depending on their specific needs. In this article, we will discuss why he chooses to use Motiva Implants.

The Motiva Implants range

Motiva breast implants offer a range of products in different sizes and profiles. There are three different types of Motiva breast implants, based on shape and the viscosity of the silicone gel that they are filled with:

  1. Motiva Ergonomix Breast Implant
  2. Motiva Round Breast Implant
  3. Motiva Anatomical TrueFixation Breast Implant

There are many implants to choose from and the different types of implants offer variation based on projection, which comes with a different range of sizes that increase the options for you to choose from.

Motiva Mini Ergonomic breast implants are available in a size range of 105cc to 525cc, and Demi implants are available in a range of 135cc to 625cc. While the size difference is not that significant, there is a marked difference in the projection of both types of Ergonomic Implants. Full projection Ergonomic breast implants are available in a size range of 145cc to 775c, while Corse comes with the largest size range, ranging between 118-cc to 1050cc. This size range is only that of Motiva Ergonomic breast implants and their subtypes.

Motiva Round breast implants also come with different subtypes based on the projections of the implant. These subtypes are similar to those of the Ergonomix breast implants, namely, Demi, Mini, Corse, and Full. The size range is also the same as Ergonomix’s sizes. Generally, the implant size range for the Motiva brand is between 105cc to 1050cc.

Why Dr Hunt chooses Motiva for some patients

 Dr Hunt breast augmentation Sydney

The Motiva implant range offers some very specific advantages that Dr Hunt uses for patients. The Motiva Ergonomix range offers a very soft gel in a thin shell that will drop into a ‘teardrop’ shape when the patient is upright. This is often desired by patients. This teardrop-shaped implant does not have the firmness of the Mentor implant, which offers some advantages, though, given its softness, but it will not “drive” the tissue envelope as successfully as a Mentor-shaped implant.

Matching the patient’s tissue dynamics to the implant is important. In cases where patients want fullness in the upper pole, the Motiva Round progressive gel range offers more firmness than the Mentor range. This can create more fullness in the upper pole than the Mentor round implant, and if the patient desires this particular aesthetic result, then the Motiva progressive gel round implant would likely be the implant of choice.

With all breast augmentation mammoplasty surgery, the key is matching the correct implant size, shape, and dynamics with the patient’s desired outcome.

About Motiva Implants

Motiva implants are one of the leading implants in Australia that have approval from TGA and the FDA. Your safety is of utmost priority during the manufacturing process. They are made of a silicone shell that has two layers and is quite resistant to ruptures. The main ingredient used in the making of the shell is the silicone elastomer which helps give it a soft feel. It’s designed so that the shell isn’t visible through the skin and isn’t so hard in texture that your breasts look firm like a rock.

Seven Features of Motiva Implants

The most important features of Motiva implants include:

  • TrueMonobloc ®: This feature is responsible for the implant acting as one unit. The shell of the implant has elastic properties due to the silicone elastomer used for production, and the cohesive gel has the strength to stay together even in case of a rupture. The blending of this strength and elasticity.
  • SmoothSilk Surface: Motiva breast implants are smooth surfaces with minimal texture. This is especially important as textured implants are associated with an increased risk of breast implant-associated Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA ALCL) and breast implant illness (BII). Textured breast implants are associated with this risk due to the overgrowth of Ralsatonia bacteria, and the smooth surface doesn’t support the growth of the bacteria. Moreover, this technological feature of Motiva implants is responsible for the high biocompatibility of the implants resulting in reduced interaction and irritation of the breast by the surface of the implant.
  • Blue Seal: This is one of the features that are unique to Motiva implants only. It is a barrier layer that ensures minimal diffusion of the silicone gel into the tissues surrounding the implant and the rest of the body. This safety feature is responsible for the blue colour of the Motiva implants, hence, the name. The blue colour is also for the surgeon to be sure that the implant is equipped with this feature. The BlueSeal indicator is present in every Mtoiva implant, and they have met through all rigorous quality and safety standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials and ISO.
  • ProgressiveGel Plus: This feature basically refers to the type of gel in the round breast implants by Motiva. The gel used allows the implant to stay full, specifically in the upper pole, giving it its characteristic round shape.
  • ProgressiveGel Ultima: This feature is quite similar to the ProgressiveGel Plus in that it refers to the gel used in the manufacture of the implant. This feature is specific to Motiva Ergonomic breast implants, and the consistency of this gel allows the implant to adapt to the surrounding tissue. The implant can develop the most anatomically natural shape after placement in the breast due to ProgressiveGel Ultima.
  • TrueTissue Technology: This feature of the Motiva breast implants is responsible for the compression resistance of the implant. This resistance is specifically important for the safety and success of the implant. The natural feel of the implants is part of this feature, along with that of the elastic elastomer shell and the ProgressiveGel Ultima and Plus. Moreover, thanks to this feature of the implants, the effects of gravity are projected to the lower pole when you are standing, giving your breasts a natural drop without making them appear lax. Similarly, when you lie down, the effects of gravity are projected such that the force is towards the middle of the breast.
  • Q Inside Safety Technology: This feature is not only unique to Motiva breast implants, but Motiva is also the first-ever brand to implement such a feature in their implants. It is a radio-frequency micro transponder that is implanted into breast implants. Your surgeon can check all details of the implant by just waving a reader on the outside of your body. The transponder is FDA-approved for use in humans and has a CE-mark as well. The main purpose of this device is to make it easier for surgeons and other healthcare personnel to gain information about the implant in the most non-invasive manner.

Benefits of Motiva Implants

For many people who are good candidates, the way these implants are manufactured results in several benefits.

Motiva breast implants have a smooth surface which potentially offers a better option than other implants on the market. The lack of textured surfaces of Motiva implants means that they are hopefully less likely to cause BIA ALCL and BII. Also, the micro transponder of the implant helps with tracking your implant in a non-invasive manner if there was ever an issue with the implants that required follow-up or recall.

Motiva implants are firm in appearance yet soft to touch. The implants are designed with the aim to give you the projection you choose while blending with the surrounding tissue.

Apart from the texture and feel of the implants, research suggests that they are associated with a lower risk of capsular contracture. While the research is still ongoing, it is believed that the manufacturing process is conducive to a lower risk of this post-surgery complication. This benefit is useful as capsular contracture is a complication of the breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure that often requires operation and surgery for treatment, hence resulting in scarring and impaired results.

Motiva implants are also made of a double-layered shell with a cohesive gel filling. This manufacturing design of the implant is responsible for the decreased rates of ruptures seen with this brand of implants. Furthermore, the implant rupture risk is also reduced by decreased handling of the implant. The implant is made in one step and is then sent to surgeons with a minimal handling guide to avoid excessive handling of the product, which makes the implant vulnerable to rupture.

This all being the case, patients should still understand that any breast augmentation mammoplasty surgery has risks attached. You should discuss the risks with your surgeon before choosing the breast implants you want.

Different Types of Motiva Implants

The Motiva implants are filled with different types of silicone gels, with the only difference being the viscosity of the gel. Each implant type comes with a wide variety of options in sizes, projection, profiles, and overall appearance.

There are three main types of Motiva Breast implants. The three different types of breast implants include:

1. Motiva Ergonomix Breast Implant

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Motiva Ergonomix Breast Implant is designed with the anatomy of the natural breasts in mind. The lack of rippling is a feature that can be credited to the use of silicone gel rather than saline.

This breast implant by Motiva is a problem-solver as it has solved quite a few problems that arise with having breast implants. Rotation of an implant in the breasts is a phenomenon that can ruin the results of your procedure. Motiva Ergonomix breast implants guard against this issue. Along with that, this implant produces a reduced risk of developing implant-associated lymphoma, which is a definite plus in favor of the implants.

The technology used in Motiva Ergonomix breast implant includes Long-term Implantable Silicone, TrueMonobloc®, Progressive Gel Ultima®, BluSeal®, and SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface®.

2. Motiva Round Breast Implant

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Motiva Round Breast Implants are a mix of firm implants and soft implants. They feel soft but will hold their own and appear firm. The main difference between Round and Ergonomix is the higher projection of the former along with increased fullness of the upper pole of the Round breast implant. This implant type is preferred for those who want larger and fuller breast implants.

The implant appears firm, and that should not be mistaken for lack of movement or fitting of the implants with the rest of the chest. The implant fits with your body and adapts to it, meaning that it will move with you when you are walking or exercising, or performing any physical activity.

The technology used in the Motiva Round breast implant is the same as Motiva Ergonommix, namely, Long-term Implantable Silicone, TrueMonobloc®, BluSeal®, and SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface®. The main difference is the gel consistency as Round implants use Progressive Gel PLUS®, which is responsible for giving the implant its characteristic shape.

3. Motiva Anatomical TrueFixation Breast Implant

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Motiva Anatomical TrueFixation breast implants are teardrop-shaped and have a firm exterior that is soft on touch. As the name implies, this implant aims to maintain the anatomic characteristic of the breast, hence, the teardrop shape of the implants.

Motiva Anatomical TrueFication Breast Implants are equipped with the same technology as Motiva Round, including the gel type. These include Long-term Implantable Silicone, TrueMonobloc®, BluSeal®, Progressive Gel PLUS®, and SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface®.

Motiva Implant Surfaces – Smooth and Nano Surface

Motiva Implants have a very smooth surface. Due to the increased risks of breast implants with textured surfaces, Motiva does not offer them. Motiva breast implants are NOT textured but are smooth and nanosurface.

Your safety and wellbeing is the topmost concern for Motiva. Furthermore, Motiva breast implants do not have any foreign substances embedded in their shell, unlike other brands that use salts or sugars to give their implants a textured appearance. Motiva also ensures that the manufacturing process of the implant only takes a single step to avoid over-processing the shell. Increased manipulation during manufacturing could make the shell prone to damage resulting in an increased risk of implant rupture.

Motiva Implant Profiles

The profile of a breast implant is the measure of its projection. Projection of a breast implant basically refers to the distance of the nipple, due to the presence of the implant, from your chest. It can impact the shape of your breasts after the breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure.

The Motiva implant profile range of Motiva breast implants has four different types:

  • Mini: The breast implant is the flattest and doesn’t add much volume. The diameter of the implant is generally 100mm, and the implant is less than 25mm in height.
  • Demi– This profile is quite similar to the Mini profile. However, the implant is narrower than the Mini, giving it a bit more body than the Mini.
  • Full- This profile is taller and narrower than the Mini and the Demi, making them an appropriate choice for those interested in implants with greater projection.
  • Corse– This profile has the maximum projection and is recommended for those who would like to have slightly bigger implants that stand upright.

The profiles of other breast implants are called – low, moderate profile, high profile, and extra high profile, which in terms of Motiva implants would be Motiva mini, Motiva demi, Motiva full, and Motiva corse, respectively.

Many people don’t consider implant profile selection to be as important as implant size. However, both are equally important in determining how well your implants will fit your body. The projection and profile of the implants should be considered before you decide in the favour of a specific size. For example, if you want a breast implant that is large but you have a narrow ribcage, you need to consider changing the profile. If you don’t, you may end up with an implant that looks like it spills out on the side. This is going to impair the results of the procedure.

Motiva Implant Sizes

Motiva Implants come in a range of sizes – with different Volumes (V), Base width (A) Projection (B) and Arc Length (C). Choosing an appropriate size and shape implant is vital for achieving the desired breast implant results. Dr Hunt will guide you through the sizing and selection process.

Motiva Implants - Motiva Ergonomix reviews Sizing Chart - Dr Jeremy Hunt Top Plastic Surgeon

Motiva Implants - Round Implant Sizing CHart - Dr Hunt Sydney Breast Surgeon Australia

About Establishment Labs – the manufacturer of Motiva implants

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Establishment Labs makes Motiva Implants. Motiva focuses on providing women with a variety of options when it comes to breast implants while also putting the health of their patients first. Motiva uses which are put through a series of tests before they are approved by the company for use. They are approved by both the TGA and FDA for use in breast augmentation mammoplasty and breast reconstruction procedures.

Apart from the quality of implants, Motiva also takes sustainability quite seriously. They believe in the motto, “Putting Women First: in health and wellbeing, science and technology, and our communities.” Motiva has participated in several sustainability pledges and has become, as of 2019, a carbon-neutral office space. The carbon-neutral certification of Motiva headquarters takes into consideration the solar panels, energy-saving lighting systems, and storage systems that they have implemented in the offices. This has helped reduce the carbon footprint of the brand and landed them this certification. That’s not all; they are also committed to cleaning the environment, as made apparent by their drive to clean the beach.

Additionally, Motiva created a global campaign by the name, Beauty Boss, to help empower women who had undergone plastic surgery. The session aimed to help women overcome their fears and discuss the strengths and the challenges they faced.

Your Motiva Breast Implant Warranty

Motiva implants are covered by the warranty plan, Always Confident, which offers a free implant replacement in case of an implant rupture at any point after you have had your implant placed. This warranty plan also offers you implant replacement if you develop capsular contracture within ten years of having undergone a breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure. Motiva has additional warranty plans available on their website – a 2 year and 5 year extended warranty plan. Please note that warranties only apply if ALL the directions and guidelines by the brand were followed during your breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure.

Motiva Implants FAQs – Questions about Breast Implants

What’s the right type of breast implant?

  • The right type of breast implants is those that feel comfortable and give your breasts the projection you are looking for. The general consensus is that silicone gel breast implants are a good choice of breast implants as the gel in the implant most mimics the natural breast tissue in both feel and appearance. Moreover, silicone gel implants are also less likely to cause ripples of the skin, meaning that they are less likely to be visible underneath the skin. Mentor and Motiva brands are currently regarded as a good choice of silicone implant in Australia.

Which implant is better – Mentor or Motiva?

  • Mentor breast implants and Motiva breast implants are both amongst the most widely used breast implants. Both implant types have their own set of benefits and unique features that help them stand out. Depending on what you are looking for, in terms of projection, implant profile, size, and contents, you may benefit from either Mentor breast implants or Motiva breast implants. Motiva breast implants have a teardrop shape and can be filled according to your preferences, which gives the brand an edge over the other. The teardrop shape is also desired by some people. The different implant surfaces can also create a variety in the formation of the capsule and stability of the implant.

What are Motiva Ergonomix implants?

  • Motiva Ergonomix implants are filled with ProgressiveGel Ultima and can blend with the surrounding tissue.

What is inside Motiva implants?

  • Motiva implants are filled with a custom silicone gel that has strong, cohesive properties, making it easier for the implant to mimic natural breasts. The gel is enclosed by a two-layered shell that is made with a special kind of silicone elastomer. This elastomer’s elasticity and stretchability help these implants adapt to the surrounding tissue rather than standing out on their own. The medical-grade breast implants also have a barrier layer between the shell and the cohesive silicone gel with blue pigment as a result of their implementation of BlueSeal technology.

Do Motiva implants feel natural?

  • Since Motiva implants are made of silicone gel and a double-layered shell, many people find the feel and appearance to be quite natural. But implants will never feel exactly like normal breast tissue.

What kind of breast implant feels the most natural?

  • Silicone breast implants are generally considered to look and feel the most natural. Amongst the various options provided by Motiva breast implants, the Ergonomix is widely known for its ability to most closely mimic natural tissue. However, keep in mind that breast implants will never feel 100% natural, and you should discuss your expecations about results with your surgeon.

Are Motiva implants approved in Australia?

  • Motiva breast implants were approved by the TGA for use in 2016 in Australia, and as of 2020, they have also been approved by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) for use in the United States of America.

Are Motiva implants safe?

  • Motiva implants are manufactured with several safety features. Motiva implants are double-layered and made in one step to prevent the destruction of the integrity of the implant. The implants are less likely to rupture, and on the off-chance that they do, Motiva’s warranty plan guarantees you a free replacement implant. Furthermore, the implants carry a reduced risk of developing capsular contracture. This safety feature of the implant is so trusted by the brand that they guarantee a free implant replacement if you develop capsular contracture within ten years of your initial procedure. Some women have developed symptoms of BIIBreast Implant Illness and there is a very small risk of a type of cancer associated with implants – BIA-ALCL. All augmentation mammoplasties come with risks, which you should be aware of prior to making your decision about surgery.

Are textured implants banned in Australia?

  • There was a wide recall by TGA of heavily textured implants, and the use of these implants was suspended, then banned. However, not all textured implants were banned, but rather those belonging to the brand Allergan.

Is Motiva textured or smooth?

  • Motiva breast implants are smooth-surfaced with nano surface technology to allow increased contact surface. The health risks associated with textured implants have resulted in Motiva not manufacturing them. In fact, they take great pride in the lack of foreign substances embedded in their implant shell surface.

Where are Motiva implants made?

  • Motiva implants are manufactured by Establishment Labs in a facility located in Costa Rica, with regulation offices in the United States and a distribution office in Belgium.

What breast implants are used in Australia?

  • Mentor and Motiva breast implants are the leading suppliers of breast implants used in Australia. Other brands you may find in Australia include Nagor, Polytech, Allergan, Eurosilicone, Sebbin and Silimed. (and old McGann & PIP implants)

Who makes Motiva implants?

  • Motiva implants are made by Establishment Labs and distributed in Australia by Lifecare Health

Do you need to replace Motiva implants?

  • Motiva breast implants are produced to a standard to last a lifetime. However, they are medical devices, and each medical device in the body should be replaced eventually. We recommend undergoing an implant replacement procedure approximately 15-20 years after your initial surgery.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

  • Breast implants do have a lifespan and should be changed within two decades of their placement. Having a breast implant for 30 – 40 years is not recommended. Have a regular implant check for rupture and contact your surgeon if you have any pain, lumps or hardening of the breast.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

  • Breast implants can increase the volume of your breasts. The volume of your breasts can be also be increased using a breast fat transfer instead of an implant. Fat is removed from one part of your body using liposuction and injected into your breasts to increase their size. This procedure is also known as Autologous Fat Grafting to the Breasts. It can have some issues with survival of the transferred fat.

Medical References about Motiva Implants

breast augmentation before and after - patient 001 - mummy makeover - front view

Further Reading about Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty Surgery

Recommended Breast Implant blogs

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery in Australia. He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is suitable for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and requires a personalised approach to reach their goals.

Dr Hunt has provided his one-on-one service and attention to detail to thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A. Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from well-established and experienced plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If breast reduction mammoplasty is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

About The Author

Dr Jeremy Hunt FRACS - Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Dr Jeremy Hunt is one of Australia’s leading specialist plastic surgeons. With over 20 years’ experience and thousands of patients, Dr Hunt is the smart choice for your plastic surgery or non-surgical procedure.

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