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Woollahra, Sydney . Wollongong, NSW

Liposuction Before And After Photos

Liposculpture, more commonly known as Liposuction, is one of Dr Jeremy Hunt’s most common procedures. When assessing a potential plastic surgeon’s Liposuction work in a gallery setting, Dr Jeremy Hunt recommends seeking ‘before’ photographs that reflect a situation similar to your own. You can then assess whether the ‘after’ surgery photos demonstrate the kind of liposuction results you might hope for.


The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.


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Patient 1

3181 Liposuction – Lower back + Flank + Upper Back

Lower Back

Case Details: 42yo. Excess fat to upper and lower back. Patient also underwent an Extended Bilateral Breast Reduction. Results shown at 6 months.

Patient 2

2160 Submental Liposuction


Case Details: 33yo. Excess fat to neck and chin. Results shown 3 months.

Patient 3

3050 Submental Liposuction


Case Details: 33 yo. Excess fat under chin. Also underwent a 10mm Advancement Genioplasty at the same procedure. Results shown at 6 months.

Patient 4

3047 Liposuction to Inner + Outer Thighs


Case Details: 27 yo. Excess fat to thighs. Results shown at 6 months.

Aesthetic Edge By Dr Jeremy Hunt

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Patient 5

3046 Liposuction to Inner + Outer Thighs


Case Details: 37 yo. Excess fat to thighs. Results shown at 3 months.

Patient 6

3041 Liposuction to Inner + Outer Thighs


Case Details: 42 yo. Excess fat to thighs. Results shown at 3 months.

Patient 7

3043 Liposuction to Upper + Lower Abdomen

Lower Back

Case Details: 25 yo. Excess fat to back. Also underwent a Breast Reduction + Mini Abdominoplasty + Liposuction to Axilla + abdomen at the same procedure. Results shown at 3 months.

Patient 8

3043 Liposuction to Upper + Lower Abdomen


Case Details: 25 yo. Excess abdominal fat. Also underwent a Breast Reduction + Mini Abdominoplasty + Liposuction to axilla + back at the same procedure. Results shown at 3 months.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Results after Liposuction

The post-operative stage after liposuction is just as important as what happens when the procedure is performed. Keep in mind that liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure and not a weight loss method. Liposuction delivers results on patients with good skin tonus. After the fat is extracted from the area, a compressive garment can help the skin retract on the new contours of the body.

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Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

Is liposuction for me?

Liposuction is a procedure suited to body sculpting, rather than weight loss. There are limits to the amount of fat that can be safely removed from the body, so if you are very overweight you may not be a suitable candidate. The goal is to use liposuction to remove localised bulges that are non-responsive to diet and exercise

When can I go home after Liposuction in Sydney?

You will go home on either the same day as your surgery or the following day, depending on the extent of your liposuction.

When you get home you should limit your movements to around the house for two to three days, to ensure you recover as quickly as possible.

Will I have to return for post-operative care?

You won’t have any stitches to remove, as all sutures are fully dissolvable.

However, you’ll see Dr Hunt five days after your liposuction procedure so he can check how you’re feeling and ensure you’re recovering nicely. You’ll then have further visits at three and six weeks, and again at three, six and 12 months.

How long will I be off work?

You’ll only need a few days off work.

Is Male Liposuction different from Female Liposuction?

In men, the areas classically affect the abdomen, potentially the chest with the “love handles” being one of the most commonly treated areas. In women, the fat distribution is more likely to be disproportionate around the legs with the inner thigh, outer thigh, and knee being the commonest areas performed. Liposuction is also applicable for patients with excess fat deposits in areas such as the neck, under the chin, in the upper arms, on the back, the upper back above the bra strap or the lower back above the belt line.

Where is Liposuction in Sydney Performed?

Liposuction is performed for my patients in a fully accredited hospital by myself as a fully accredited surgeon. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic provided by an anaesthetist to ensure the patient is adequately cared for while I am performing the surgical procedure. For smaller areas, other surgeons may choose to perform liposuction under a form of local anaesthetic or sedation, though in my patients, I find it more comfortable for them and more reassuring for me to know that they have been looked after by a fully trained anaesthetist under general anaesthetic in a fully accredited hospital.

What is the best Liposuction Technique?

There are different techniques for liposuction and these have evolved since the procedure was first described in the 1960s by Dr Illouz, a French plastic surgeon, who initially used the procedure on one of his female patients. Since that time, evolution in the technique has led through dry liposuction, through wet, through superwet, to techniques that involved ultrasound as well as mechanically assisted devices. In my practice, I used a mechanical liposuction performed with a superwet technique. As a philosophy, I want my patients to have the outcome they desire. If that means as a surgeon, I need to do more physical hard work to achieve that outcome, it is a price I am happy to pay to ensure my patients are delivered a suitable and safe outcome.

What happens during a Liposuction Procedure?

Performed under a general anaesthetic, liposuction can be carried out on any part of the body where fat collects; the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, neck, arms, breasts, knees, calves, ankles and even beneath the chin. I start by inserting a small tube (cannula) beneath the skin of the area to be treated and then attach a suction pump, which is used to suck out the excess fat stored between the skin and muscle.


How is Liposuction in Sydney procedure performed?

Once you have decided to undergo liposuction the procedure will be carried out in hospital under a general anaesthetic administered by a highly qualified and experienced anaesthetist. Small incisions will then be made into the targeted areas and a multitude of removal methods are available to remove the fat deposits.

In liposuction, a small incision is made in the skin to allow access for a liposuction cannula. These are long, thin stainless steel tubes at the end of which are small holes which have sharpened edges. As the cannula is moved backwards and forwards below the skin and applies suction, small parcels of fat will be suctioned into the holes and then with the backwards and forwards motion, those parcels of fat will be removed. Once the fat has been removed it is removed permanently. Fat cells do not split and divide and multiply after the age of puberty, so the number of fat cells you have is fixed. What they can do though is increase in volume, so, like the balloon analogy, they are either full of fat and enlarged when you are carrying excess weight, or empty and small when you are lean. Liposuction will permanently remove some of these fats from the area treated, and once these fat cells have been removed with liposuction they are removed permanently.

How long does Liposuction take?

The procedure will take variable amounts of time depending on the degree of liposuction that needs to be performed. Potentially for small areas such as under the chin, the procedure may take 30 to 45 minutes. For larger areas such as the abdomen, hips and flanks the procedure may take two hours and for more extensive liposuction it may well be a three-hour procedure. Following this, patients will often go home as it is a day surgery procedure though for the larger areas that have been treated, patients will potentially stay in hospital for one night for patient comfort and safety.

What is the highest Volume that can be removed with Liposuction?

I am often asked what is the maximum amount of fat that can be safely removed and it is advised by multiple surgical boards internationally that 5 litres is the maximum volume that should be removed in a single surgery sitting. When you think about it this way, then it really does become clear that liposuction is not a weight reduction program, it is more one of correction of disproportionate fat distribution. When patients looked at it in this light, they usually have a clear understanding of what is possible and not possible and that is when they become valid candidates for the procedure. I do think the patient understanding is the key to a good outcome and as long as the patient is well-selected and the treatment is appropriately provided, the liposuction provides a reliable outcome in the majority of crisis.

What happens after Liposuction Surgery?

After the operation, the area that’s been treated will be bandaged. While it’s likely that you will feel a little sore, you can usually leave the hospital that same day. However, it’s advisable that you take one to two weeks off work following the procedure and don’t plan to do very much, as this will help speed recovery. Aftercare is very important, which is why I like to do plenty of checkups with patients in the days and weeks following the procedure, to ensure comfort and recovery is optimal.

How long is recovery after Liposuction?

You should only need to take a few days off work to recover after liposuction, though it does depend on the scale of the surgery. The more rest you have after the operation, the quicker your recovery time. Reducing activity and drinking plenty of fluids will ensure you’re back on your feet faster.

As with all surgery, there are a number of things you can do to speed up your recovery time, like plenty of bed rest, limiting physical activity, eating well, drinking plenty of fluids and getting lots of sleep. Clear your schedule of work and social commitments for the advised length of time and follow your surgeon’s instructions to help you recover quickly and with no complications.

What are the Longer term Results of Liposuction?

In terms of the long term result from liposuction, patients may experience a permanent removal of fat in the area that has been treated. They do though need to maintain a good diet and exercise program as all areas of the body will potentially be able to store fat if excess weight gain is the case.

Does the Fat come back after LiposuctIon?

The permanent removal of the fat leads to some of the myths associated with liposuction. Patients may feel that the fat has ‘come back in a different area’. This is not the case as the fat cells do not move. If the patients continue to intake a large amount of calories, then the body will store these extra reserves. As the body cannot store these reserves in the fat cells that have been removed, the body will store them in fat cells in other locations. For these reasons, patients who do not maintain a good diet and exercise program and a stable weight following liposuction may feel that the fat has ‘moved to another area’.

Can You have Liposuction combined with other procedures?

Liposuction can also be used in combination with other procedures such an abdominoplasty. A lipoabdominoplasty is a combination of a tummy tuck/abdominoplasty with liposuction. In body surgery, such as brachioplasty or arm reduction or lower body-lift and thigh-lift, liposuction may also be a valuable tool that is used at the same time.

How painful is Liposuction?

I am often asked how painful liposuction is. During the superwet technique, we will place local anaesthetic into the fluid to minimise the postoperative pain and discomfort. Most patients will go home the same day of their procedure and will be managed with oral analgesia ranging from paracetamol and sometimes to some stronger agents for possibly a number of days or up to a week. This will depend on individual patient needs, the number of areas treated and the extent of the liposuction performed. I do tell my patients that they can expect to see the results of their liposuction at the 6-week mark. It is true though that there were still be some swelling at this point and the potential improvement and gains can extend out to the 3 if not 6, and sometimes 12 months mark as a there is a further resolution of swelling and firmness in the tissues.

When should you have Liposuction?

In my practice, it is going to be when they have an understanding of the procedure, the likely outcome and the potential downside. For me, that will take an initial consultation to assess whether they are a valid candidate for the procedure where we will provide them with some information for their consideration and discussion with their family and friends. At a second consultation, I will confirm that the procedure is appropriate for them and that they are fully aware of the surgical undertaking and the likely downside and recovery time required. Once the patient has passed that test, in my mind, that they fully understand the procedure, they are a valid candidate for liposuction. As I mentioned, I will perform the procedure in hospital under general anaesthetic.

How much does abdominal liposuction cost in Australia?

The price of liposuction varies a lot depending on many factors. The amount of fat to be removed, the type of anaesthesia, duration of surgery, and location all go into calculating the costs of liposuction. Dr Hunt will give you an estimate of the full costs once you come in for your consultation.

Does Lipo leave scars?

Tumescent liposuction leaves very small scars. The wounds of liposuction are a few millimeters wide. They usually heal very well, and within a year, almost leave no trace at all.

How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

You can lose a few kilograms after liposuction since fat is being removed. However, liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. The target is not to reduce the number on the scale and rather to alter the shape of your body.

Is it easier to lose weight after liposuction?

No. Liposuction does not affect your appetite or your metabolism. It will not help you lose weight easier.

Are you awake during liposuction?

Liposuction is usually done under general anaesthesia. This means that you will be asleep during the operation. Sometimes, local or regional anaesthesia can be used for liposuction. You can discuss this with Dr Hunt during your consultation.

What is a 360 Lipo?

This is a liposuction technique that targets the whole mid-section. A 360 liposuction targets the belly, hips (love handles), and back.

Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?

Liposuction is not a treatment for cellulite, however, it can decrease its appearance.

Why is my stomach still big after liposuction?

In some patients, deep fat layers are the cause behind their protruding belly. This area can’t be targeted by liposuction or tummy tuck/abdominoplasty. The only solution is weight loss.

Does skin tighten after liposuction?

In a lot of patients, the skin retracts after liposuction. This, however, depends on your skin quality, genetics, healing ability, and the amount of fat removed. If the skin doesn’t tighten after liposuction, then a lift procedure might be needed.

Can liposuction change body shape?

Of course. The whole aim of liposuction is to sculpt your body and change its shape.

Should I lose weight before liposuction?

As long as you have a fairly stable weight and you are not severely overweight or obese, then you’re a suitable candidate for liposuction.

Is it better to get liposuction or tummy tuck/abdominoplasty?

This depends on your body shape. If you have a lot of belly fat and lax belly skin, then a tummy tuck/abdominoplasty may be a better option. If you have moderate belly fat and good skin health, then liposuction may be satisfactory.

Is 50 years old too old for liposuction?

There’s no perfect age to get liposuction. You can get liposuction at 40, 50, 60 years old, or older. The older you are, however, the more likely you’ll require additional skin lift with your liposuction.

What other procedures are there for Body Contouring?

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Woollahra, Sydney . Wollongong, NSW

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