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Woollahra, Sydney . Wollongong, NSW

Breast Lift Mastopexy Before And After Photos

Breast lift mastopexy surgery may be an option for patients who wish to address the appearance of their breast after pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or ageing. Breast lift surgery (or mastopexy) is one of Dr Hunt’s most commonly performed procedures.


The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.


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Patient 1

1196 Breast Lift/Mastopexy

Breast Lift No Implant

Case Details: 49yo. D cup to a full C cup. Results shown at 3 months.

Patient 2

1199 Bilateral Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

Breast Lift With Implant

Case Details: 35yo. A cup to a C cup using 300 cc round High Profile implants also underwent a Breast Lift/Mastopexy. Results shown at 3 months.

Patient 3

1195 Post Pregnancy Procedure : Lower Body Lift + Bilateral Breast Lift/Mastopexy

Breast Lift No Implant

Case Details: 38yo. Excess skin to abdomen and lack of fullness to breasts. DD cup to a C cup. Results shown at 6 months.

Patient 4

1193 Post Pregnancy Procedure: Extended High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty + Liposuction + Bilateral Breast Reduction

Abdomen and Breast Lift Reduction
Breast Lift No Implant

Case Details: 35yo. Excess skin to abdomen and breasts. D Cup to a fuller D cup . Results shown at 3 months.

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Patient 5

1212 Bilateral Breast Augmentation + Mastopexy/Lift

Breast Lift With Implant

Case Details: 41yo. B cup to a C cup using 420cc teardrop silicone implants places under the muscle. Results shown 3 at 3 months.

Patient 6

1176 Bilateral Breast Augmentation + Mastopexy/ Lift

Breast Lift With Implant

Case Details: 42 yo. A Cup to a C Cup using 330cc Teardrop implants placed under the muscle. Results shown at 4 months.

Patient 7

1123 Bilateral Breast Augmentation + Mastopexy/ Lift

Breast Lift With Implant

Case Details: 38 yo. B Cup to a D Cup using 350 cc Teardrop Moderate Plus Profile implants placed dual plane. Also underwent a High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty at the same procedure. Results shown at 4 months.

Patient 8

1122 Bilateral Breast Augmentation + Mastopexy/ Lift

Breast Lift With Implant

Case Details: 36 yo. B Cup to a D Cup using 395cc Teardrop Moderate Plus profile implants placed under the muscle. Results shown at 6 months.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Mastopexy, also called a breast lift, is an operation where a surgeon repositions your nipple higher on your chest wall. They also remove any excess skin and tighten the surrounding tissue.

Find Out More about Dr Hunt’s Breast Procedures

Breast Lift Mastopexy Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

When will I be able to swim after the breast uplift procedure?

You will be able to swim after your incisions have fully healed, which can be as early as 4 – 6 weeks after your procedure given that you are healing well.

Do I need a medical referral for a Breast lift?

Not necessarily, if you wish to have a breast lift mastopexy to alter the shape of your breast to your desired aesthetic look, simply book a consultation with Dr Hunt and discuss your best options. If meet the strict criteria and you want to claim Medicare for your Breast Lift Mastopexy – you will need a referral at time of surgery.

Will I need further surgery after Breast Lift?

As you age and battle against the forces of gravity, your newly shaped breasts may still sag. Further surgery is applicable if the patient has experienced a considerable sagging of their breasts after their procedure and their tissue contains an adequate blood supply.

When can I go home?

You can go home as soon as you are comfortable and able to get to the bathroom, which may be on the same day as your surgery, or maybe the morning after. Once you get home, you should limit your movements to around the house for two to three days.

Will I need medications after surgery?

Depending on how your surgery goes, you may be prescribed painkillers to alleviate the pain and antibiotics if there is a risk of infection.

Will I have to return for post-operative care?

You will return to see Dr Hunt within the first five days after your surgery. You’ll then return in two weeks, three months, and 12 months.

How long will I be off work?

You will need to take a week or two off work depending on the physical demands of your role.

When can I resume my normal activities?

You should restrict all physical activity for two weeks, after which you can return to your normal activities. However, you must protect your breasts from stretching activities for at least six weeks to allow the incisions to heal.

When will I be able to drive after the surgery?

You will be able to drive once the effects of the anaesthesia have worn off. If you do not feel comfortable driving due to pain, then we recommend waiting until you are more comfortable moving.

When can I exercise after surgery?

Light exercises such as walking can be returned to around 1 week after surgery. Most patients can return to pre-surgery exercise around 1 month after their procedure. Avoid strenuous exercises and heavy lifting until fully healed.

How long does a breast lift last?

A breast lift mastopexy should last you anywhere between 10-15 years. This varies depending on the size of your breasts and the quality of your skin. Many patients still have no concerns with their breasts 10 years after their mastopexy.

Will a breast lift reduce cup size?

If not combined with breast augmentation mammoplasty, then a breast lift mastopexy will slightly reduce your cup size by up to 1 cup. This, naturally, depends on how much healthy breast tissue you have left. But expect to have slightly smaller (but tighter) breasts if you’re getting breast lift mastopexy without augmentation mammoplasty.

Do scars fade after a breast lift?

Generally, they do. However, this largely depends on the type of lift you get. The crescent and peri-areolar breast lift mastopexies offer very well hidden scars within the pigmented skin around the nipple. The anchor and lollipop uplifts include a vertical incision along the lower pole of the breast. Although it significantly fades away with time, the scars might stay noticeable. In any case, breast uplift scars develop over 6-12 months, and will gradually become much less visible.

Will I need another breast lift in future?

A second breast lift mastopexy might be needed after 10-15 years of your first mastopexy. Breast lift mastopexies are, unfortunately, not lifelong, so you might need revision after some time.

Can a breast lift affect breastfeeding?

No, breast lift mastopexy surgery by Dr Hunt does not usually affect breastfeeding. During mastopexy, your milk-producing tissue and ducts are not disrupted. However, if you are getting a breast implant with your uplift, this might change. If you’re planning to have a baby after your breast lift mastopexy, make sure you discuss it with Dr. Hunt.

Can a breast lift elevate your nipples?

Yes. Breast and nipple ptosis can be addresses with a breast lift mastopexy. Breast sagging can often lead to downward pointing nipples. A mastopexy will aim to elevate your nipples and make them face forward again.

Can a breast lift be combined with other procedures?

Yes. A breast lift mastopexy can be combined with breast augmentation mammaplasty, fat grafting, breast reduction mammaplasty, and post pregnancy surgery.

What are the different types of breast uplift?

The most famous types of breast lift mastopexy techniques include the lollipop, anchor (inverted T), donut (periareolar), and crescent breast lift mastopexy. The type of breast lift mastopexy you get depends on the degree of ptosis and your desired outcomes.

Can you do a fat transfer with a breast lift?

Yes. A breast lift mastopexy can be combined with autologous fat transfer (fat grafting).

Should I wait till after I have kids to get a breast lift?

If you would like to undergo breast lift mastopexy, you can have it before or after having kids. A breast lift mastopexy does not affect your ability to breastfeed. And pregnancy will not permanently affect the shape of your breasts or ruin your lift.

What is the recovery time for a breast lift?

The time for full recovery from a breast lift mastopexy is 4-6 weeks. You can usually get back to work after 1 week post-lift. Swelling, pain, and bruising might stay there for up to 6 weeks.

How painful is a breast lift?

Mastopexy is not particularly painful. Nevertheless, breast lifting is an invasive procedure, and hence, pain is not completely avoidable. Your breast lift mastopexy wounds will hurt to some extent during recovery. Dr. Hunt will give you several painkillers to help control the pain after mastopexy.

Can I go without a bra after a breast lift?

After your breast lift mastopexy, it is recommended that you wear a surgical bra for at least 4 weeks. Day and night. A surgical or sports bra will protect your breasts during recovery. After 4 weeks, you can wear a regular bra or even go bra-less.

How long do stitches stay in after breast lift?

It is recommended that you avoid sleeping on your side or on your belly after your breast lift mastopexy. During breast lift mastopexy recovery, you should sleep on your back for at least 4 weeks after your surgery.

How long does breast lift pain last?

Pain from breast lift mastopexy surgery can stay for up to 2-3 weeks. However, it’s most intense during the first 3-5 days. As of the second week of breast lift mastopexy recovery, the pain should drop significantly and gradually disappear.

How can I speed up my recovery after a breast lift?

If you want to recover faster after a breast lift mastopexy, then you need to follow the exact instructions of Dr. Hunt. Sleeping on your back, wearing a surgical bra, using ice packs, and taking your medications as prescribed are essential for a fast and smooth breast lift mastopexy recovery.

What can you not do after a breast lift?

After a breast lift mastopexy, it’s recommended that you avoid intense sports for 3-4 weeks. Sex is okay, as long as you are mindful of your wounds, and keep your breasts out of it. Any activities that involve straining your chest muscles (like driving, push-ups, pushing a trolly, etc.) should be avoided the first few weeks after a breast lift mastopexy.

When can I shower after a breast lift?

You can shower as of the second day after your breast lift mastopexy. The skin water-tight barrier is sealed by 48 hours. Make sure not to violently rub your breasts when showering and patting them dry.

Do you need drains after a breast lift?

In most cases, surgical drains are not needed after a breast lift mastopexy.

How long do drains stay after a mastopexy?

If you do indeed need surgical drains after mastopexy, then they usually stay in place for 1-2 days. Once we’re sure there’s no fluid collection, the drains are taken out.

Can I take my surgical bra off for a few hours after breast lift?

You can take a break from your surgical bra for a few hours as long as you put it back on again during recovery.

When can I lift my arms after a breast lift?

You should try to keep overhead movements to a minimum during the first 7-10 days of breast lift recovery.

What is the best age to get a breast lift?

The most common age to get a breast lift mastopexy is around in 45-50. Most women, by this age, are done having children and would like to restore their pre-pregnancy breasts. However, there’s actually no perfect age for a breast lift mastopexy. If you have breast ptosis, a breast lift mastopexy can be done as young as 18. Many patients in their 20s opt for a breast lift mastopexy after massive weight loss.

How can I fix my sagging breasts naturally?

Unfortunately, there’s no “fully natural” breast lift. Once the breast skin becomes lax, sports, creams, massage, and natural remedies will not help. The only way to deal with sagging breasts is with breast lift mastopexy surgery.

Will insurance cover a breast lift in Australia?

If breast lifting is done purely for cosmetic reasons, then medicare and insurance will not cover the costs. However, if your droopy breasts are causing you skin irritation or physical restrictions, then you might be eligible for a rebate. Visit the Medicare information page for more.

Does going braless prevent sagging?

Studies regarding this are conflicting. On one hand, some doctors say that going braless strengthens your breast ligaments (cooper’s ligaments). On the other hand, some experts think that not wearing a bra weakens the ligaments and stretches your breast skin, leading to sagging. It might be that wearing or not wearing a bra doesn’t have anything to do with breast ptosis.

What is a scarless breast lift?

This is sometimes referred to as a “non-surgical” breast lift or breast lift by liposuction only. Although it can briefly make your breasts look smaller or tighter without surgery, the results are never sustainable nor dramatic. Dr Hunt does not recommend liposuction alone for breast lifting

Will losing weight cause saggy breasts?

Extreme weight loss after bariatric surgery or after successful dieting can cause breast drooping. When you’re overweight, the fat builds up in your breasts and stretches the skin. When you lose weight quickly, the fat goes away, but the excess skin doesn’t.

What do I need to buy before a breast lift?

When preparing for your breast lift mastopexy, you should buy your groceries so that you don’t have to go shopping in the first few days after. You should also buy gauze, antibacterial sope, hand sanitizer, extra pillows, and some snacks and foods to keep you busy while you rest.

Breast Lift Mastopexy with Implants Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get a breast augmentation and breast lift at the same time?

Breast lift mastopexy surgery and breast augmentation mammoplasty with implants can be safely performed at the same time. In one study, researchers reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent combined breast augmentation mammoplasty and lift mastopexy at a single outpatient surgery centre from 1992 through 2011. [1] Several factors such as operative and implant details, long-term outcomes, and patient demographics were analysed. Interestingly, results showed a lower rate of complications such as poor scarring (5.7%), wound-healing problems (2.9%), and deflation of saline implants (2.4%), when the procedure of lift and implant were performed at the same time.

Should implants and lift be a 1 or 2 stage procedure?

The Breast lift mastopexy with Implants is a complex and challenging procedure.

Both procedures can be safely performed at the same time. However, this will depend on several factors such as the preferences of the patient and surgeon.

Some surgeons perform them as 1 stage with occasional revision surgery needed.

Does a breast lift make your breasts look bigger?

No. A breast lift mastopexy alone elevates your breast skin to create a lifted appearance. If you want to make your breasts look bigger, a breast augmentation mammoplasty using implants might be a better choice for you.

Does a breast lift reduce your cup size?

In some cases, this surgical procedure may involve the removal of some excess skin, fat, and tissues from your breasts. This might slightly reduce your cup size.

What is the best time to get breast lift with implants?

The best time to consider undergoing breast surgery is when you have a stable weight and it has been at least 6 months since your last pregnancy. If further pregnancies are being considered, then revision of the breast lift mastopexy may be needed after that pregnancy, and this is a factor to consider.

Generally, if the size and shape of the breast is causing you concern now, then now is the time to seek an opinion as to what can be done to address that issue.

Can I get a breast lift with implants if I am overweight?

No. It is recommended that you achieve a normal weight first before undergoing the procedure because weight fluctuations can negatively affect your breast appearance. You should have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or below.

When is a breast lift medically necessary?

A breast lift mastopexy is not just used for cosmetic purposes. If your sagging breast skin is causing frequent pain or discomfort, the procedure can be performed to address these health problems.

Is there an age limit for a breast lift with implants surgery?

You should be at least 18 years old to qualify for the procedure.

Can I get a breast lift if I have existing implants?

Yes. A breast lift mastopexy can be performed if you have existing implants. This can usually be done without causing any damage to your breast implants.

Are the results of the breast lift with implants permanent?

No. With time, ageing and lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of your breasts. You might need to undergo another surgery in the future if you want to prolong the results of a breast lift mastopexy.

Is breast lift with implants surgery covered by insurance?

In most cases, these procedures are not covered by insurance since they are cosmetic in nature. Unless they are part of breast reconstruction or are performed to treat certain medical conditions like frequent irritation due to sagging breast skin.

Check with Medicare and Your Insurer.

How long is the recovery after a breast lift with implants?

After 6-12 weeks, you should fully recover and the final results of the procedure are usually noticeable. It is important to keep in mind that the length of your recovery will greatly depend on the extent of the surgery and how you adhere to the aftercare instructions.

How long after a breast lift with implants can you exercise?

In general, you can start exercising after 6 weeks. Make sure to avoid activities that require heavy lifting. Start gently.

How long after a breast lift with implants can I wear an underwire bra?

To avoid further injury to the surgical incisions, you should refrain from wearing underwire bras for at least 6 weeks if not longer.

What is the best sleeping position after a breast lift with implants?

To avoid putting any tension or pressure on the surgical incisions, sleep on your back with your head elevated using 2-3 pillows.

When can I swim after a breast lift with implants?

You can go swimming around 2 months following the procedure.

How tight should a sports bra be after a breast lift with implants?

To provide enough compression and support to your healing breasts, the sports bra should be worn snugly. Make sure to avoid applying too much pressure on your breasts as this can lead to injury and impaired blood circulation.

When can I sleep on my side after a breast lift with implants?

You need to wait at least 2 weeks or more before sleeping on your side.

How long do I need to wear a sports bra after a breast lift with implants?

In general, you will need to wear a sports bra or compression garment for 6 weeks.

Can you feel your nipples after a breast lift with implants?

After the procedure, you will likely experience reduced nipple sensation because the breast area is still swollen at this time. This is only temporary and you should regain normal nipple sensation over time. You will likely achieve this once the swelling has resolved completely.

When will I need to replace my breast implants?

The results of breast augmentation mammoplasty with implants are typically long-lasting. However, several factors such as ageing, pregnancy, weight changes, hormonal fluctuations, and gravity can affect the results of the procedure. In general, FDA-approved silicone and saline breast implants should be replaced after around 10-15 years.

Which type of breast implant is right for me?

Implant choice depends on many variables. This includes body anatomy, desired results, the thickness of breast tissue, and the surgeon’s preferences. To achieve the best clinical outcome, your overall health and expectations will be thoroughly assessed during the consultation period. This allows the creation of a surgical plan that will best suit your cosmetic and health needs.

What are the Complications and Risks of Breast Lift with Implants Surgery?

Any surgical procedure you get, whether cosmetic or corrective in nature, has associated risks and complications. These include the following:

  • Asymmetry or unevenness
  • Capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the breast implant)
  • Changes in breast sensitivity
  • Early sagging (if your skin cannot handle the weight and shape of the implant)
  • Infection
  • Poor cosmetic results
  • Seroma (accumulation of fluid)
  • Unwanted scarring
  • Wrinkling, leakage, or rupture of breast implants

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Woollahra, Sydney . Wollongong, NSW

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