Facelift Sydney Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I need a full or mid face lift (rhytidectomy)?
A consultation with Dr Hunt will allow you to understand your facial complexion and identify the most suitable procedure for you.
How long does it last?
On average, a face lift will last between 2 and 10 years depending on the procedure performed.
Will my surgery scars be permanent?
Yes and no. Scars are permanent, however, they will be located within the natural contours and creases of the face (hairline, behind the ears, under your chin) and will generally be barely visible to the human eye. You can also have scar minimisation treatments.
How long does a face lift (rhytidectomy) last?
Different surgical procedures will carry different degrees of power and, put simply, the deeper the plane the facelift (rhytidectomy) is performed in, the longer the result will last. S-lifts or skin-only lifts will not last as well as a deep plane facelift (rhytidectomy) will. Dr Hunt expects the results of deep plane facelifts (rhytidectomy) to last at least 10 years and he has patients who look better 10-12 years after their facelift (rhytidectomy) than they did before the procedure was performed. For this reason, a deep plane facelift (rhytidectomy) is Dr Hunt’s preferred choice when considering and assessing patients.
Is it better than a thread lift?
A thread lift is commonly used in patients who require minimal rejuvenation. However, as patients age and require more significant rejuvenation procedures, the facelift (rhytidectomy) should become the procedure of choice. It is important for Dr Hunt to be able to offer a full spectrum of facial procedures, ranging from the use of injectable fillers through to thread lifts and the more invasive facelift (rhytidectomy) techniques.
Are face lifts (rhytidectomy) suitable for weight loss patients?
One of the signs of ageing is a loss of volume in the face and often patients who have undergone significant weight loss, be it through diet and exercise or weight loss surgery, will show premature signs of ageing in the face due to a lack of volume. Therefore a facelift (rhytidectomy) may help to restore the volume in the face after significant weight loss.
Does fat grafting happen with all face lifts?
The signs of facial ageing can include a loss of volume and potentially a drop or descent in the tissue. For different patients, these factors will have different degrees of significance and fat grafting is often performed at the same time as a facelift to address both loss of volume and drop in tissue. Some patients will choose fat grafting alone as their procedure of choice, whereas others will decide a facelift alone is their preferred option. in Dr Hunt’s practice, approximately 50% of the patients undergoing a facelift (rhytidectomy) will also undergo fat grafting at the same time to achieve the best result possible.
How do I improve my skin after the surgery?
Skin care is a very important part of facial rejuvenation and is a major part of Dr Hunt’s consultation process with his patients. Signs of ageing to the face can include changes to the skin’s surface and texture through to fine lines, pigment changes, loss of volume and descent of tissue over time. Surgical procedures will address volume and laxity of tissue issues, however a medical grade skin care program in combination with a form of resurfacing may also be needed to address the texture of the skin. Each patient is an individual and it is important to assess each of the components of the face, ranging from the skin through to the fat and the muscles to ensure each patient gets the best results possible.
What other Face Surgery Procedures Dr Jeremy Hunt offers?
- Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery
- Otoplasty – Ear Surgery
- Lower Facelift – Jowl Lift
- Deep Plane Facelift
- Brow lift – forehead lift
- Lip lift
- Genioplasty – Chin Surgery
- Neck Lift