What is Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery?
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery is a common facial cosmetic procedure. It’s specifically designed to address an under-projecting or underdeveloped chin. Chin Augmentation, or Mentoplasty, can be done with or without silicone chin implants.
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery is considered a straightforward procedure, and it is performed as an in-hospital procedure. The success of a mentoplasty is, of course, dependent on the experience of your facial plastic surgeon.
Who’s a Good Candidate for Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery?
You may be a good suitable for Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery if:
- You have a retracted chin (recessed chin)
- You have a small chin
- You have a short chin
- You have a narrow chin
- Your chin fades into the neck (ill-defined chin and jawlines)
If these apply to you, then Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) might be a consideration.
It can be adapted according to your facial proportions and if you want to change the height, projection, width, and size of the chin.
Why Patients Might Consider Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery
There are a number of reasons why patients might consider undergoing Chin Augmentation or Mentoplasty, including:
- Addressing the chin prominence
- Defining the lower face
- Defining the angle between your chin and neck
- Bringing the chin forward
- Altering the width of the chin
- Demarcating the lower edge of the face
As with all surgical procedures, Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) requires advanced skills to be done right. You should always choose an experienced Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Ensuring that your surgeon is appropriately qualified and has experience in your chosen surgery is imperative.
How Is Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Surgery Done?
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) is usually done under general anaesthetic. This means that you will be fully asleep during the procedure. Mentoplasty is typically a day procedure that is usually done in a hospital. You may choose to stay overnight.
Your surgeon, Dr Maryam or Dr Hunt, will start by injecting a local anaesthetic using a needle directly into the chin. The incision is done just below your front incisor teeth (behind the lower lip), allowing your surgeon access to the chin bone. A surgical pocket is then created in front of the chin bone. Your surgeon will then do one or more of the following:
Insert a Custom-Fitted
Chin Implant
A custom-fitted chin implant, a prosthetic chin implant, usually made of silicone and Gore-Tex is sometimes used to make the chin bigger and more prominent. These implants come in various shapes.
Osteotomy and
Using Osteotomy and fixation, the chin can be augmented without implants by moving the whole chin bone forward. To do this, your surgeon will cut the chin bone below the incisor teeth and above the tip of the chin. The whole chin is then brought forward, and the bone is fixed with metallic plates and screws. The end result is a more projecting chin.
Soft Tissue
During soft tissue manipulation, the overlying soft tissue is manipulated to be more relaxed and allow it to fit the newly enlarged chin (or chin implant) comfortably. It also allows your surgeon to contour the chin and shape it in a way that’s more proportional to your face.
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) is often combined with Liposuction of the fat pad under the chin. This will be done through an additional skin incision below the chin. Once the Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) is done, you will be allowed to rest for some time before being discharged.