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What is submental liposuction?
Submental liposuction, also known as neck liposuction or chin liposuction, is a plastic surgery procedure to remove fat from the neck and chin. The aim of chin or neck liposuction is to improve the appearance of the profile in these areas by removing excess fat.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is used to remove fat cells. The fat underneath the chin can make a person appear heavier than they really are. No matter how much exercise you do or how balanced is your diet, sometimes you just can’t lose that stubborn fat under your chin. A double chin occurs when a layer of fat around the neck sags, giving the appearance of a second chin. The skin in this area is usually loose and has poor elasticity. A double chin can be caused by weight fluctuations, ageing, genetics, or postural stress.
Why Patients Might Consider Chin Liposuction / Submental Lipo
The chin and neck are one of the first areas to show signs of ageing and sagging. Chin & neck liposuction aims to remove excess fat from the chin and neck area. This procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift (rhytidectomy). Here are some reasons why patients might like to consider Chin and Neck Liposuction:
- One of the most significant reasons that patients choose submental or chin liposuction is that this procedure can reduce the size of your double chin and improve the appearance of your profile. This procedure can be performed as a standalone surgical treatment or in combination with other procedures, such as rhinoplasty or facelift (rhytidectomy) or chin advancement (genioplasty)
- Another reasons for submental liposuction is that this procedure has few complications associated with it. In fact, submental liposuction has been shown to have a low rate of complication
- Some patients are concerned that liposuction in the neck area will cause loose skin after the procedure. However, submental fat removal can actually result in tighter skin in this area and an improvement in your overall appearance and profile, if necessary
- There are no large scars
- Aims to enhance facial profile
- An alternative to fat dissolving chin injections
- A more streamlined profile and strong jawline
- When compared to other facial surgical procedures, chin liposuction has a shorter recovery time
The Surgical Procedure
The most common technique right now is the tumescent technique which is a fluid mix of saline (salt water) and added medications to minimise bleeding and offer pain relief after the procedure. During this procedure, your surgeon makes very small incisions and an amount of Klein’s solution is introduced into the submental fat. Klein’s solution is a solution with saline. The saline balloons the fat tissue, while the other components decrease bleeding and induce local anaesthesia.
The fat is then sucked out through the microcannulas, which are only a few mm in diameter. This is a process lasting up to 1 hour. The wounds of the cannula are closed at the conclusion of the procedure. A small amount of fluid is left back in the tissue and this residual fluid provides analgesia in the immediate postoperative period.
Chin and Neck Liposuction Recovery
After liposuction of the chin and neck area, you will return home with instructions on how to care for your surgical sites. You will have some swelling and bruising for about one week after surgery. Some pain is normal for about two weeks after surgery, but your surgeon will prescribe medication to help relieve this discomfort. After about 10 days, you should be able to resume your daily activities with minimal restrictions. It may take up to one to three months for your final results to appear as swelling subsides and excess fluid drains from your body.