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What Is A Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)?
Ageing, weight loss, excessive sun exposure, and even hereditary factors influence the appearance of the skin on the neck. However, any age-related changes to the neck may be addressed with this procedure.
If you have lost a considerable amount of weight, you might experience a loss in elasticity around the neck area, including skin laxity, unwanted fat deposits, and vertical bands.
Exercise or a special diet may not completely alter the appearance of the neck; plastic surgery is one method that may allow patients to address these areas of the neck.
The Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) is a plastic surgery designed to recontour the mandibular and neck area to suit the patient’s desired result, in accordance with the surgeon’s recommendations and expectations.
Why Patients Might Consider a Neck Lift Surgery (Platysmaplasty)
Neck Lift Surgery (Platysmaplasty) is a common procedure, which can alter the general appearance of the neck and lower face. There are multiple reasons why a patient might consider undergoing this procedure, such as:
- A change in the contours of the jaw area
- Altering the general appearance of the face
- Addresses the contours of the neck
Recovery After Surgery
The recovery period after a Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) is highly dependent on the complexity of the procedure and your own healing pace. Bruising and swelling naturally occur after undergoing any surgical procedure, including a Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty).
It is best to avoid strenuous physical activities during the first 2 weeks after a Neck Lift Surgery (Platysmaplasty). Here are more recommendations for the recovery period after Platysmaplasty Surgery:
- Avoid smoking, vaping, and drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks
- Avoid steam rooms, saunas, hot baths and pools for a few weeks
- Sleep with your head slightly elevated
- Don’t massage the neck area
- Avoid ample head movements
To avoid risks and complications that could occur during the recovery period, make sure to follow Dr Hunt’s indications.