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What Is a Rhinoplasty?
Dr Jeremy Hunt understands that nothing can determine your appearance quite like your nose. It’s the central feature of your face, and changing its shape, size, or position can impact your appearance.
Rhinoplasty works by moving the cartilage, bones and muscles of the nose to help create the patient’s desired result or address issues such as a large tip or saddle deformity. Rhinoplasty can also be functional or reconstructive, helping with nasal conditions following trauma or airway breathing difficulties, and it can be performed on both men and women. In many cases, cosmetic Rhinoplasty surgery aims to be subtle. It can also help with breathing problems caused by blockages, including sleep apnoea or snoring.
Dr Jeremy Hunt may help patients reduce or increase their noses’ size, change their shape, narrow or widen them, or change their angles. As a plastic surgeon with an interest in Cranial Surgery, Dr Jeremy Hunt sees patients in Sydney and Wollongong.
Types of
Rhinoplasty Procedures
Before planning a cosmetic Rhinoplasty Surgery, it’s important to understand your options. Here are some of the most common types of the procedure:
Closed Rhinoplasty is performed using a technique to make a small incision on the inside of the nose. This is common when fixing a deviated septum or when correcting simple nose tip deformities or an asymmetrical nose.
Open Rhinoplasty is performed through an incision made on the skin on the base of the nose. This can be suitable when addressing large nasal deformities present since birth or caused by trauma to the nose. It is also used to access the nasal septum that, when deviated, can cause significant breathing problems or distort the nose shape.
Revision Rhinoplasty is for people who had a Rhinoplasty before and are not pleased with the results achieved with the initial procedure.
Reconstructive Rhinoplasty uses tissue grafts of cartilage to rebuild or reconstruct a nose that has been damaged by trauma or, often, previous surgery. The surgery involves altering the internal cartilage and bone of the nose. Dr Hunt can remove cartilage from the bone of the nose or add to the nose cartilage by taking some from the ear.
How Is Rhinoplasty Performed?
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to address the appearance or function of the nose. Dr Hunt uses different techniques that deliver results while also aiming to avoid potential post-operative complications.
The procedure can take up to 2 hours or more, depending on the complexity of each case. General anaesthesia is preferred for the patient’s comfort.
There are different techniques used for Rhinoplasty, but usually, Dr Hunt chooses Open Rhinoplasty. This means that an incision is performed between the nostrils, and additional incisions are made on the inside of the nose. Next, Dr Hunt separates the bones and cartilage, and the septum is adjusted and straightened.
Rhinoplasty Surgery
Rhinoplasty Surgery is a common procedure performed not only for aesthetic purposes but also to allow air to pass through the nose. There are multiple reasons why patients might consider this procedure, such as:
Recovery After Rhinoplasty
The recovery period after Rhinoplasty Surgery is highly dependent on the complexity of the procedure and whether it was performed alone or in combination with other interventions, such as Blepharoplasty or a Facelift (Rhytidectomy). The area is usually swollen and bruised after the intervention.
It is best to avoid strenuous physical activities during the first 2 weeks after surgery, and returning to the gym is only possible after 4 to 6 weeks. Here are more recommendations for the recovery period after surgery:
- Avoid smoking, vaping, and drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks
- Avoid steam and heat getting directly in your face
- Sleep on your back
- Avoid rubbing the nose
- Avoid bending your head forward
To avoid risks and complications that could occur during the recovery period, make sure to follow Dr Hunt’s indications.