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Breast Asymmetry Correction Sydney

Breast Asymmetry Correction Sydney


What is a Breast Asymmetry Correction?

Uneven or asymmetrical breasts are completely normal.

A breast asymmetry correction procedure is a complex surgery performed to reduce the differences between uneven breasts to produce symmetry of the breasts.

Dr Hunt Answers Breast Surgery Questions

What Can Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery Do For Me?

The technique used to recorrect the balance and symmetry of your breasts largely depends on the degree of difference between your breasts, as well as your individual breast characteristics. Dr Hunt can make smaller breasts larger using breast enhancement techniques, make a larger breast smaller using reduction techniques, alter the shape of both breasts to your desired outcome, or lift your breast to rid you of sagging or drooping breasts.

As you age, you may experience further changes in your breasts that may require further surgery to maintain aesthetic symmetry.

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous breasts, otherwise known as constricted breasts, is a genetic condition that causes breast issues relating to balance, symmetry, and a generally unsightly aesthetic between your two breasts. Dr Hunt can utilise a variety of breast surgery techniques to correct breast deformities associated with tuberous breasts.

Benefits of Breast Asymmetry Surgery

Breast asymmetry surgery can help you get the breasts you have always wanted and correct imperfections at the level of the breasts. There are multiple benefits associated with undergoing these procedures such as:

  • Getting breasts that are proportionate to the rest of the body
  • Correcting breasts asymmetries
  • Correcting inverted nipples

How is a Breast Asymmetry Correction Performed?

The approach used to correct asymmetrical breasts depends on the type of asymmetry a patient is experiencing based on their individual characteristics. With that being said, all breast procedures are performed whilst you are under general anaesthesia to ensure you are in comfort.

If you want to enlarge a breast to an equivalent size to another, then breast enhancement is performed using either fat grafting or implants or both.

If you suffer from drooping or sagging breasts, then Dr Hunt can lift your breast to correct your balance.

If one breast is considerably larger than another, Dr Hunt can reduce the size, and simultaneously lift your breasts to achieve your desired level of symmetry. Take a look at our pages for more information on what these procedures entail.

Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery Recovery Time

The recovery period following an asymmetry correction surgery varies depending on the technique used to approach your imbalance. As each patient differs, the recovery process will also differ. The factors to take into account surrounding your recovery are:

  • Does your body heal well?
  • Do you smoke? Smoking can increase your risk of bleeding and slow your healing.
  • Did you follow the post-procedure guidance?
  • Did you wear your compression garment for the duration you were informed?

Same Day

Most breast surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing you to return home on the same day. You will be mildly sedated following your anaesthesia and are expected to arrange your own transport home. Dr Hunt will prescribe medications to assist you with any pain and swelling you may experience.

You will wear a surgical bra with small pieces of gauze over the incisions for 2 to 3 days after surgery. At home, you will need someone to stay with you for the first 24 hours. Eat lightly for 3 to 4 days after surgery and then resume your normal diet. Make sure you get plenty of fluids.

Day After

You will be in pain. You will experience bruising and swelling around the surgical sites. You will be instructed to not bend over, perform strenuous exercise, or carry out any activity that can put pressure on your breasts. Pain can be alleviated using painkillers. The pain may last for up to 5 days, whereas bruising and swelling can last for up to 4 – 6 weeks.

What’s Next?

You will be required to attend multiple follow up visits with Dr Hunt to ensure that you have not suffered from any complications, and your recovery is coming along nicely. You can return to light exercise such as walking 3 weeks after your surgery. If your job is not physically demanding, you can return to work after one week, otherwise, you may need to be cleared by Dr Hunt. Full results can be expected anywhere between 6 months – 1 year depending on the treatment you have had.

Download Dr Hunt's Guide

Cosmetic Breast Surgery Guide

The ultimate Cosmetic Breast Surgery Guide has been created by Dr Hunt and his team as a useful tool to help you plan and consider this procedure.

Throughout the guide, we will discuss the ins and outs of different types of Breast Surgery, from what makes an ideal candidate, to pre-surgery planning answers to the most frequently asked questions received from real-life patients.

benefits plastic surgery

Breast Asymmetry Cost Sydney - How Much is Breast Asymmetry Correction in Sydney? Prices & Fees

All patients and their breasts possess individual characteristics. Therefore, the medical costs associated with this surgery will vary between patients depending on their desired overall look.

The total cost of a correction breast asymmetry will include the cost of implants as well as surgeon, anaesthetist and hospital fees. Medical tests, aftercare garments, and other breast procedures used to achieve breast symmetry are also factored into the total cost.

Under very specific conditions, patients may be able to apply for a Medicare rebate for this surgery.

Dr Hunt will give you an accurate quote at your consultation based on your anatomy and desired results.

For an estimate of your surgery cost visit the surgery pricing page or contact Dr Hunt’s team on 1300 157 200 or book a consultation and fill up the Enquiry form.

5 Myths About Breast Asymmetry

There have been many misconceptions surrounding the topic of breast symmetry. The truth in the matter is, uneven breasts are completely normal and far more common than having perfect symmetry.

We will tackle the most common myths surrounding the topic below.

1. You don’t need a surgical procedure to achieve symmetrical breasts – There are many creams or forms of oral medications that claim to tighten your breasts and help you achieve a “natural lift”. Unfortunately, there is no product on the market that has been scientifically proven to do such a thing. Cosmetic surgery is more often than not a good option to create symmetry amongst other breast enhancements.

2. Asymmetrical breasts are not natural – Again, asymmetrical breasts are extremely normal, and in fact, desired by some (to a certain degree). Breast development often occurs during puberty. Individual breasts tend to develop at a slightly different pace. Over time, breasts may sag or be affected by other signs of ageing that could lead to asymmetry further down the line. Various breast surgical procedures can be performed to correct any imbalance experienced between your breasts.

3. Asymmetry can occur if you don’t wear a bra – Breast sagging occurs due to the supporting ligaments and skin elasticity weakening as we age. This can eventually result in a difference in breast size, leading you to have one smaller breast than another. Wearing a bra has no impact on this, as it is simply caused by our constant battle with gravity. Enjoy your Zumba classes without worrying that your breasts will sag.

4. Implants are your only option – Nowadays breast asymmetry surgeries can be performed using multiple techniques, most of which don’t involve the use of implants. Breast enhancement and lifting, for example, can be performed using fat grafts from areas of fat around your body to give your breasts a fuller look.

5. You will have lots of scars – Although multiple incisions are made during your correction breast asymmetry procedure, they will be inconspicuously placed by Dr Hunt to ensure that not only they will not be visible, but will also diminish over time.

5 Breast Asymmetry Correction Mistakes

Picking a cosmetic surgeon to perform your asymmetry breast correction can be quite a daunting task, especially due to the increasing number of able cosmetic surgeons available today. Below we highlight 5 mistakes that women have made in the past that have led to undesirable outcomes. Make sure you learn from these so that you do not repeat the same mistakes.

1. Not researching your surgeon – Subspecialising in various aspects of plastic surgery has become more widely available. As such, more and more doctors are claiming to be the best breast surgeons in your region. You need to research your doctor before making your choice. Check out how long they have been performing their procedures and whether you can look through their before and after gallery.

2. Unethical reasoning – Altering the asymmetry of your breasts to produce a more aesthetic look is desirable by many. However, opting for the procedure to please somebody else can leave with you a changed breast shape that you did not want in the first place.

3. Not checking whether or not you are a good candidate – Many surgeons lay out their criteria of what they think is a good candidate to ensure that their clients are not put under any additional risk of complication.

4. Not setting a realistic goal – breast enhancement or alteration is often presented in fictional programs as a highly desirable procedure that produces seemingly outstanding results. However, understand that not everything on TV is real, and most of the time there is a serious amount of photoshop and make-up used to accentuate the size, shape, or symmetry of a woman’s breasts. Set realistic expectations by looking through real photos using before and after galleries.

5. Not asking the right questions – Use your time during your consultation with Dr Hunt wisely. Ask the questions you can’t seem to find an answer to and establish that you do want to proceed with the procedure.


Always Do your Research 

Browse our FAQs page
Download and read the FREE Guides to Surgery

Book your First Surgery Consultation

Your Surgeon Consultation Fee is $300
You will need a Referral from your GP
Phone the team or email to Book your consultation

Prepare for your Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information
Take lots of notes and read the documents provided
Dress in simple clothes as you may need to undress
Bring your GP Referral and your test results


Enquire Now

Breast Asymmetry Surgery FAQS

Who is a good candidate for Breast Asymmetry surgery?


Good surgical candidates for asymmetrical correction of the breasts are:

  • Are bothered by the differences in size, shape, and symmetry of their breasts and wish for more symmetrical breasts
  • Want to correct the position of their nipple
  • Find it hard to find well-fitting bras
  • Suffer from genetic conditions that have led to uneven or dispositioned breasts
  • Are fit and healthy

What happens at the first consultation for Breast Asymmetry?


On your first visit to Dr Hunt, he will evaluate where you are starting from with regard to your breast size and shape, and what you want the end result to be. He will also assess nipple position, skin elasticity, and chest width. Additionally, he will look into your medical and social history to establish whether or not you are fit and healthy to undergo the procedure.

This consultation gives you an opportunity to ask questions, understand the risks involved, and set your realistic goals. You will receive an outline of the surgical techniques Dr Hunt recommends for your individual situation, and give you a price quote at the end.

Where is the Breast Asymmetry surgery performed?


Surgeries performed by Dr Hunt take place at one of the nearby clinics in a certified and sterile operating theatre.

Is Breast Asymmetry for me?


Deciding to balance the size or shape of your breasts is a very personal matter, and ultimately only you can decide if it is right for you. Dr Hunt is an experienced surgeon and he can provide you with relevant advice that can assist your decision.

When will I feel completely normal and be able to play sports after breast asymmetry?


You can return to sports around 6 weeks after your procedure. The final result can be seen around 6 months following your procedure depending on the technique used.


About Dr Jeremy Hunt

Dr Hunt has worked with thousands of patients across his 20-year career. This is reflected in his role as Spokesperson for the ASPS – Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. Dr Hunt is also a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) and Supervisor of Plastic Surgery Training at Sydney Children’s Hospital.

Dr Hunt has a strong interest in helping his patients achieve their desired results by employing the most appropriate practices for each individual patient.
